
TSS : season 2019-2020

By On 28/08/2019

For the beginning of the new season 2019 - 20, the TSS still proves its effectiveness.

Many testimonials show that the TSS is the ultimate shot for hunting waterfowl.

09/08: Julien

A teal tonight 54 meter with a 24gr # 9 taken by laser

14/08: Pascal

Hi Olivier ... I'm always on vacation in the southwest. And the efficiency of tss is still fly ... 4/6 shovelers at 80-85 mTss souchets 1

21/08: Remi

Hi oliver. A nice morning the 21st for the opening. A first night on the pond with for us a teal taken at 55 m with a tss 36 gr in #9.

21/08: Christophe

On the opening day, a clean killed teal with an 8.5 in 40 g, at 68 m telemetry.

28/08: Romain

Hi oliver, how are you? super happy .. A shoveler at 70m ... Pellet #8 in 32 gr ... clean kill.

28/08: Max

The tss hit again in the early morning at about 55-60 meters! 34grams ball of 8

Max sh

30/08: Julian

"Small Mallard shot at 88 yrds with a 40g #7. It did not move a paw .. my colleague's father remained on the ass! It was at the end of the evening it was still day and I had my rangefinder with me."

Cv tss